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Use Cases

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Campagne Vote Anyway

In the run-up to the European elections on June 9, we launched the 9o6 movement. The underlying idea was to form an alliance of European companies who would combine their marketing forces to mobilize as many people as possible to go out and vote. The Vote Anyway campaign was born. Given the low turnout in the European elections, it was clear that citizen participation would once again be a key factor in the outcome. The concept was simple: a fun, customizable communication kit, with a clear, simple message to be delivered simultaneously to all our audiences: whatever happens on June 9, vote anyway. OBJECTIVES • Encourage cross-sectoral alliance of key partners. We succeed in gathering activists, creatives, and business leaders. This provided a network, legitimacy, and marketing power. • Generate an engaging movement. For this, you need to find common ground with your audience. Ours was: to incentivise people to go vote. • Build a quest: the campaign empowered the target group by presenting them with a quest - to convince their audience to vote - and giving them the right tools for the task - the adaptable “Vote anyway” visuals. • Stimulate the participation. Companies were able to influence strategic decisions, the campaign motif was also customisable to their needs. These forms of participation ensured a strong bond and led to a high engagement rate within the campaign KEY OUTCOMES • In 4 months nearly 250 companies joined the “Vote Anyway” campaign. • The campaign reached more than 20 million people. In addition, we were featured in more than 10 media outlets and were invited to various conferences. • The overall voter turnout in the EU elections reached a record high. • More than 350 social media posts with the “Vote Anyway” message were shared on LinkedIn, Instagram and X by the participating companies and partners. • In the last week before the election, 100 posts were published, which received a total of 6.7K likes, 320 comments and 210 shares. • one paper published on the concept of Corporate Political Responsibility

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Participatory Pulse Program: Crafting Impact Tales

As part of the German funding program “React with Impact”, Civocracy supported eight social SMEs in the program “Participatory Pulse: Crafting Impact Tales”. Through collaborative and individual mentoring sessions, the program taught participatory storytelling tactics to sharpen the participants' participatory marketing strategy and foster the digital engagement of their stakeholders around their mission. The programm closed off with the launch of each company's participatory marketing video. OBJECTIVES • Introduce social entrepreneurs to the tactics of participatory storytelling: the way of combining storytelling and sincere participation • Foster digital engagement of the target group of social SMEs through a digital community engagement campaign, applying new storytelling skills • Deepen the sense of purpose and mission of the participating companies as a basis to sharpen their storytelling KEY OUTCOMES • 8 social enterprises in different business stages and different sectors successfully completed the program • Almost 50,000 people reached through 6 digital participatory marketing campaigns • 1 alumni network of over 20 participants on participatory marketing in social entrepreneurship

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Participatory Budgeting

Since 2019, the participatory budget serves as a funding program for civic projects in Künzelsau. It allows the population to actively participate and decide on which projects in Künzelsau they are important to them and should be realised and supported financially. 50,000 euros are available for this purpose. Citizens used the online platform to submit their project ideas or vote for their preferred project. OBJECTIVES • Collect project proposals for the Künzelsau Participatory Budget • Engage citizens to vote on the project proposals on the Civocracy platform • Provide regular information about the process, results and projects on the digital platform. KEY OUTCOMES • 350 votes were submitted online, which is more than half of the total number of submitted votes (55%) • 3,6000 visitors on the digital participation platform for a city of 15,000 inhabitants - 7 citizen projects were funded by the city of Künzelsau with a total of 50,000 euros and implemented in 2022 • The Participatory Budget was continued in 2023

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We make the culture

In 2023, the cultural department of the city of Lahr wantedimprove its cultural offer. Instead of using the usual feedback questionnaire, citizens were asked about their general habits and preferences, as well as their immediate feedback on cultural events they had just attended, using a design thinking approach. In this way, the city gained deep insights into the needs and wishes of its citizens, which could be used to redesign the cultural offer. OBJECTIVES • Assess the current state of the city's cultural offerings, as perceived by the population. • Identify opportunities to improve the city's cultural offerings, based on citizen input. • Develop a plan for the future of the city's cultural landscape, informed by citizen participation. KEY OUTCOMES • More than 1.500 citizens visited the Civocracy online platform during the consultation at least once. • 390 Citizens answered at least one question in the qualitative questionnaire - 296 of them finished it with 62% of the participants identifying as female. • 8300 questions were answered on the qualitative questionnaire.

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It's Bluedy Time Europe!

Surfrider Foundation Europe supports policies that help to reduce marine litter, protect coastal areas from development, address climate change and assure water quality. As the NGO believes these policies should not be decided without the citizens and experts opinions, the Blue Coalition launched the biggest EU ocean protection participative campaign from December 2022 to May 2023: 5 online discussions to engage ocean experts and citizens and gather ideas and suggestions around marine ecosystem protection and 6 digital multilingual questionnaires to involve all EU citizens and invite them to show their support for 10 demands. On June 8th, 2023 (World Ocean Day), ahead of EU elections, the report was presented to political parties in Brussels. OBJECTIVES • Mobilise massively ocean protection experts, EU citizens and civil society organisations to act for ocean protection by allowing them to express their ideas on what should be EU regulation's priorities. • Engage with new oceans protections actors and organisations to build a strong alliance able to put pressure on the European Parliament before the 2024 EU elections." KEY OUTCOMES • 30 new organisations and expert partners joined Surfrider as Blue Coalition members to work together for the EU ocean protection • 60,000 people visited the digital platform, contributing to idea box, sharing their opinion on discussion format and online questionnaires • 7,000 people showed their support for the 10 propositions consolidated by ocean experts, citizens, and organizations - 1 campaign report with these 10 demands has been handed to the European Parliament and political parties to address the pressing situation • 400 experts & citizens registered to stay engaged in a long-term online community around ocean protection topics"

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Mission Lycées: Give a grade to your highschool

A group of political parties launched the "Mission Lycées" campaign to gather feedback on the overall state of high school buildings in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, mobilizing students and their parents, teachers and staff from the respective schools. For 3 months, through a questionnaire and a discussion, the consulted stakeholders were able to submit their opinions, supported by photos and documents. OBJECTIVES • Gather feedback on the state of high schools in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, and draw up an inventory of needs in terms of renovation in all school buildings • Co-construct a space adapted to the collection of contributions (photos, videos, testimonials) from high school communities in order to have an accurate representation of needs KEY OUTCOMES • 10,000 people visited the digital platform during 4 months • 5,700 testimonials and experience-sharing were posted on the platform • 4,000 contributions shared by local high school students, representing 2% of all high school students in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region • 1 final campaign report presented to the President of the Region in mid-October 2023

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Let's Talk Climate

The city of Lyon launched "Let's Talk Climate", a public debate as part of Lyon’s overall strategy to fight climate change. Thanks to this consultation, the city was able to identify measures that could easily get implemented in the city, and a need to increase the public knowledge regarding certain city initiatives. OBJECTIVES • Gathering ideas, good practices and feedback from citizens to enrich the Territorial Climate and Energy Plan for the period 2020-2030 • Better information for the people of Lyon on the actions carried out by the city 3. Development of a network of actors involved in environmental issues" KEY OUTCOMES • 18,000 people visited the digital platform • 1,900 participants on the debate digital tool (more than 50% were aged 25-35) • 40% of participants re-engaged in following participative initiatives conducted by the City of Lyon • 30% of the measures put in the climate plan are a result of the public consultation • 1 network of actors involved in environmental issues with 65% of local actors volunteering to participate in working groups"

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Rethink the scholar rythms

Strasbourg City led a school reform on a local level, involving parents and teachers to co-construct solutions and implement key structural changes. At the end of the consultation, major evolutions were adopted:​ the daily lessons of 3.5 hours length held each morning, free educational activities for primary school children on Wednesday afternoons, free Kindergarten offer on Wednesday afternoons for young children to better support working parent and the new school year starting at the end of August. OBJECTIVES • Understand the organizational needs of families and determine how the city can help • Identify the best school model for children from preschool onwards • Decide what activities should be offered in schools outside the classroom" KEY OUTCOMES • 2,200 participations shared on discussion online tool (including 1,500 from parents) • 5,900 parents and 70 associations involved in the initiative • 950 teachers participated, meaning 50% of teachers and directors working in Strasbourg's public schools • 5 major structural changes applied to the school rhythm in Strasbourg"

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Co-building smart-city solutions

The Métropole Nice Côte d'Azur aimed to build a participatory digital innovation system to become one of the first smart cities in France. By implicating the citizens in the definition of the most pressing challenges around sustainability, each administration's departments aimed to reassess their priorities and formulate projects to be developed and implemented by the Métropole. OBJECTIVES • Effectively connect with the citizens in the region using digital methods • Understand the citizens’ interests, needs, and concerns • Implement smart-city solutions that are helpful to the community • Engage a large number of divisions from the Métropole in the project" KEY OUTCOMES • 300 propositions shared in the discussion online tool, which received 5,200 support from other citizens • 80% of the propositions were relevant for the entire Métropole of Nice Côte d'Azur • 1 wide range of topics evoked from security, culture, democracy, urban development, economy, transport through to sustainable development"

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Via Maurienne cycle route

The Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region has set up a digital platform to enable as many people as possible to find out more about the route, understand what is at stake for the municipalities it passes through and take part by giving their opinion on the Via Maurienne. Participants were able to consult information about the Via Maurienne cycle route and contribute their opinions via an open discussion and a questionnaire to understand the profiles of cyclists and their respective uses of the Via Maurienne. OBJECTIVES • to provide the public with all the information they need to understand the Via Maurienne cycle route, which crosses 22 communes over a distance of 70 kilometres • To create a space where everyone can express their views on the project, the proposed alternatives for developing the route, the desired facilities and the stopping places. KEY OUTCOMES • 1,600 people visited the digital platform to find out more about the proposed Via Maurienne route • 600 responses to the questionnaire and 100 contributions to the discussion, providing a better understanding of the habits of users in the region and their opinions on the proposed development of the Via Maurienne • 1 working group set up with representatives of the project and different profiles of users of the cycle route to develop a listening process around alternatives that meet needs and uses.

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Together, let's talk about solidarity

The Department of Seine Maritime carried out a ‘Together, let's talk about solidarity’ consultation as part of the process of drawing up its Single Solidarity Scheme, giving a wide range of people with different profiles the opportunity to contribute to the project. Residents of the municipalities in the Seine Maritime and professionals working in the field of solidarity were able to contribute their opinions, ideas and proposals, both individually and in groups, as part of the process of drawing up the Schéma Unique des Solidarités. OBJECTIVES • Provide input for the Schéma Unique des Solidarités 2022 - 2026, which sets out the Department's priorities in the areas of support for families and the protection of children at risk, the elderly, people with disabilities and those suffering from social and/or professional exclusion • To identify the level of information available to initiatives in order to unify schemes and improve the service provided to the people of Seine-Maritime. KEY OUTCOMES • Nearly 800 respondents to the survey, thanks to a large-scale poster campaign and nationwide media coverage. • More than 10 working groups enabled us to go even further in understanding the needs and satisfaction with the services offered by the department, bringing out clear lessons and concrete directions for improvement. • 150 contributions published in the ideas box at the end of these working groups, co-constructed with social and medico-social policy players.

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Change your conSceaux at the Manufacture!

The town of Sceaux launched an initiative to build a community of committed citizens and local players around La Manufacture, a symbol of the Transitions ambition. The aim was to mobilise local players around the production and consumption of fabrics and textiles, while developing a local brand: ‘Fabriqué à Sceaux’. OBJECTIVES • to create and lead a community of players committed to Transitions in Sceaux and to promote the town as a pioneer beyond the physical FabLab at La Manufacture • Understand how Sceaux residents use textiles and fabrics • To raise awareness and build a civic challenge around the ‘Made in Sceaux’ brand. KEY OUTCOMES • A citizen's challenge to select the logo proposal that received the most support for the “Fabriqué à Sceaux” brand, with over 100 people voting. • A 15% increase in the number of visitors to the workshops and training courses on offer at the site and in requests for machine hire, reflecting the growing interest in eco-responsible textiles. • Nearly 300 key players got involved in the project, including elected representatives and staff from the town of Sceaux, students from the IUT who helped communicate the project, and local residents who got involved in the ‘consulation’.

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Ambitions territoires 2030

The Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region wanted to build a unified and resilient region from three territories with different histories, and produce a SRADDET (Regional Plan for Sustainable Development and Territorial Equality) while mobilising the citizens of all the territories, making them players and co-responsible for the development of their region. For almost 5 years (2020 - 2024), the region will be setting up and overseeing the development of this SRADDET via a participatory platform. OBJECTIVES • produce an SRADDET (goals, timetable, audiences and actions) by involving all the key stakeholders (Economic and Social Council, the Chamber of Commerce and the Office National des Forêts) in developing the project: define/implement a communication strategy • Mobilise citizens throughout the region, making them active players and co-responsible for the development of their region. • Ensure that the SRADDET evolves as it is modified over the years. KEY OUTCOMES • More than 500 experts and specialised stakeholders added their visions and strategy proposals to the outline of the SRADDET. • Nearly 2,000 public contributions to discussions on specific themes and during the SRADDET modification phases • 7,000 experts and citizens on a single participation platform and more than 10,000 visits to the ‘digital space’.

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A citizens' charter for the future of a district in Lisieux

The City of Lisieux wanted to understand more about the perception of Hauteville residents and the impact of the renovation work with a view to collectively drafting a charter for the future of the district. OBJECTIVES • to understand the wishes and problems of the residents of the Hauteville district and to integrate them into the collective reflection on the charter • To share information about the urban renewal project and publicise the work being carried out in the district, among the residents of Hauteville. • Gathering ideas to make the district more lively and raising residents‘ awareness of waste sorting’. KEY OUTCOMES • 400 responses to the consultation questionnaire • A successful process of collective drafting of a charter for the future of this district, based on listening to the needs of residents • A better understanding by the city of the profile of the residents of the Hauteville district, their expectations and problems, and shared communication around the acceptance of the works.

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Fontaine d'Ouche, 1st positive energy district in France

Dijon is one of the cities selected for the European RESPONSE project. The Fontaine d'Ouche district is the 1st positive energy district in France, producing more energy than it consumes. As the project is highly complex and technical, the challenge is to make it as clear and accessible as possible for local residents. A digital space dedicated to residents has been set up to invite them to discover the project step by step, give their opinions and raise any doubts or questions they may have, or to get involved and become ambassadors for the project. OBJECTIVES • to design a participative space that brings together all the residents of the Fontaine d'Ouche around the RESPONSE project • Enable local players to come and share, discuss and discover what will be the first stage of the ‘Dijon metropole - carbon neutrality by 2050’ rocket. • Gather feedback from residents and partners, which will be taken into account in the neighbourhood's metamorphosis programme. KEY OUTCOMES • More than 3,000 visits to the digital page dedicated to the project • 500 participants in multiple questionnaires and quizzes • A group of 20 ambassadors committed and mobilised to inform local residents about the project and its impact • 62% of Fontaine d'Ouche residents say that the RESPONSE project will have a positive impact on the district.

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On Vote campaign for the French legislative elections

Following the Vote Anyway campaign, which mobilised 250 companies to encourage their audiences to vote in the European elections, we collaborated with the NGO A Voté and the Advens for People and Planet Foundation to extend this initiative to the French parliamentary elections in June and July 2024, after the dissolution of the Assembly. Thanks to these co-leads, we have developed a campaign based on cooperative marketing, founded on four principles: a cross-sector coalition, a common base, an epic quest, and participation. Find out more about the campaign. OBJECTIVES 1. demonstrate the role of companies and mobilise their marketing efforts in a non-partisan approach to encourage people to vote, by combining their communication efforts. 2. Develop a simple, clear and humorous message to capture attention, in contrast to traditional campaigns. 3. Invite companies to adapt the message and visuals for their key audiences and become co-creators of the campaign. KEY OUTCOMES • 100 French companies have joined the On Vote campaign (25% of which took part in the Vote Anyway campaign) • a combined audience of 7 million citizens, with a 21-point increase in the turnout rate for general elections (66.5% in 2024 compared with 46.5% in 2022) • almost 200 messages published on social networks by participating companies, totalling 2.6K likes, 300 comments and 250 shares

Mobilised FR around legislatives elections


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